frequently asked questions about bodywork

Does Bodywork Last?

Yes. Every Bodywork session reintegrates a level of order into your body that stays there. Each session will leave your body more capable of managing stress throughout your entire body so that acute pains builds up much less. Mindful movement with recommended exercises will help the benefits you receive last for years.

How is Bodywork different than massage?

The goals of massage and Bodywork are often very different. Massage is usually about relaxation; Bodywork is about aligning structure and improving long-term function, alleviating pain, and returning the body to it’s naturally flexible and mobile state. Both modalities are valuable and one does not exclude the other.

How long until I can exercise after the session?

That depends. The health of the patient and level of intensity of the session need to be taken into consideration. A bodywork session can take a lot of energy out of you, or be rejuvenating depending on the health of the patient. Trust how you feel. Generally it is best to wait until the next day before doing any strenuous activity. Fluid and easy movement is good for the body after a session.

What do I wear to my Bodywork session?

Because you will be asked to move around while we work on you, bodywork is done partially clothed.

Close fitting athletic wear is suggested. We do not recommend wearing anything baggy, heavy, loose, or that covers up too much of the body. It is appropriate to consider yoga pants, compression shorts, slim-fitting tanks or t-shirts, including a sports bra for women. Due to the intent of body work, skin will need to be accessed at times.

What should I expect during my Bodywork session?

The first part of your session will consist of going over your medical history and what your goals are. Depending on what you want, and the time allotted for your appointment, we will then perform a combination of either gait analysis, orthopedic test, and light palpations to get a better understanding of the root cause of your problems. After your bodywork, we will have brief conversation to see how you would like to progress and if additional bodywork is necessary.

What if I have more questions?

Feel free to call us at 626-485-0339.